Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mutual Love

I heard about the collocation between old line shoe company Bass and the up-and-coming dress designer Rachel Antonoff many months ago and I was...I was struck! Every pair is just soooo beautiful! Making everything even more fabulous (a near impossible task) the lookbook (shown above) tells the story of an adorable white kitten named Marshmellow who lives in the shoes and his best friend, the ever-cool Tennessee Thomas, who have a lemonade stand that nobody comes to so they have milkshakes and end up getting jobs at the soda's just so wonderful, ahahah!!!! (sorry those are my happy noises)

I waited for all of those months until I could finally have a pair of my own, until one day while stalking Rachel Antonoff's clothing via polyvore I found out that they were being sold at Free People. I had never actually been to Free People, but many of the girls in my grade shop there, so I had no trouble finding one that was very near my school. I begged my brother to take me after school on Friday (I was just soooo excited), but then they didn't have them at the store!!!! I was crushed, but with the help of "Eye of the Tiger" I was "pumped" again and my dad and I ordered them online. Oh I wish that was where the story ended, but no! The shoes didn't show up! My dad kept calling them (probably because I asked him about them everyday) and every time he called the shipping date got later and later. I was defeated, I was in a glass case of emotion, but then one day as I looked up from my homework I saw the the ever-trusty UPS man throwing down a box and there they were! Oh and they are perfect! (see them above)

lookbook images source

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